Myrsjöskolan is today a school for grades F-9 with approximately 1,200 students and around 140 staff members. The school has a junior high school with about 660 students and an elementary and middle school with about 540 students. The new school building accommodates 575 students from preschool to grade six. There is a newly renovated kitchen designed to serve approximately 1,400 portions.
The school was built in a partnership collaboration with NCC, Scharc Architecture, and Nacka Municipality. The vision document on how to design learning environments was developed in consultation with school leaders, teachers, and students and will guide the next four building projects within Nacka's municipal schools.
Department: Architecture
Field of Expertise: Education
Project status: Completed
Building owner: Nacka kommun
Entrepreneur: NCC Construction Sverige AB
Building size: 575 pupils
Location: Nacka, Sweden
Project start: 2015/11
Project end: 2018